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il problema non è la versione web più scadente ma solo il loro sito lento.
se provi questa pagina puoi vedere che la qualità è comunque fluida a sufficenza, almeno così mi sembra. sopcast sinceramente mi mette l'ansia: quella lista di canali è troppo incasinata! alcuni canali sono presenti fino a 3/4 volte in varie sezioni. ma chi sarà quello psicolabile che ha creato quella parte del software?
«Fino a quando il colore della pelle sarà più importante del colore degli occhi ci sarà sempre la guerra.» Bob Marley |
stream from deviceABNormal, I want to ask you if you have streamed from a capture device. If so, what kind of codecs does VJBASE use? If you choose the FFDshow from the options does it use ffdshow for encoding the signal? If so, do you have to make some setting in the ffdshow configuration panel - choosing codecs, bitrates etc..?
By the way there is a new version 1.3. |
i've tried with some files, and i hed no problems. doing with a direct sterming from my video+audio card i had problems. ffdshow and h264 had a crash whil with xvid i had a "still" video, but i have an old video card so maybe system have problems with it. through a video capture software (VhScreenCapture) ffdshow had no problems. new version? thx i go there and have it what about your tests? same results? ABN
«Fino a quando il colore della pelle sarà più importante del colore degli occhi ci sarà sempre la guerra.» Bob Marley |
How do you choose the encoding? From the vjbase menue I have two options - wmv and fddshow.When I choose fddshow, what kind of encoding it uses? The first time I choose it the ffdshow configuration window open but then it never opens automatically. I can open it manually but I dont know what kind of encoder to choose.
I don't have a tvtuner card but I tried with VhScreenCapture. I am trying the following: open something to play in windows media player, then capture it with VhScreen, then choose VhScreen from VJbase options, choose fddshow and the result is - I have the WMP screen in vjbase but it does not show the video that plays in it, just the WMP screen. My card is old too, maybe that's the problem? Is the codec I choose from FDDSHOW configuration screen the one that VhScreenCapture will use? I think that it's my card, because I tried yestarday to use screen capture in Afreeca and I had the same results - showing just my player screen, but no picture. Have you tried to streem in Afreeca. By the way I have found VhScreenCapture few days ago. I remember they used to use in Afreeca Camsoft before they have made there own screen capture device but Camsoft is shareware. Do you know something else like VhScreenCapture that is free. The only one I have found is SplitCam but I don't like it so much. I tried to translate VJBASE in English. I almost did it but some of the menus seem the be images and integrated in the interface itself so I have to find a way to translate them too. http://www.sendspace.com/file/018bt8 - here is a little experiment. Check it out and if you have suggestions for the translation I will redoit. Some of the things were not clear to me so I translated them somehow. later |
simply without quoting your msg, kardinal (too long )...
with VhScreen i did it with H264 instead of FFDShow. my VjSutdio gives me these codecs: FFDShow H264 WMV Xvid but maybe i've understood your problem: did you try to start the "show" with NO movie (only your desktop)? did it work? maybe the reason is the directx (isn't the right name?) if you see your desktop, then try with mplayer2 or WMPalternative. sometimes you'ld avoid that black screen. c'ya ABN
«Fino a quando il colore della pelle sarà più importante del colore degli occhi ci sarà sempre la guerra.» Bob Marley |
yes, I can see my desktop, wmp screen too but not the video picture .I will try with some other player and tell you if it works.
Any idea why VJ gives me only Fddshow and wmv options? What did you install, the full verrsion ? Me too. May be I have some other codes installed. I will reinstall the latest directx too. Do you have any other codes on your pc beside the one that comes with the full vjbase version? later |
lots. from vp3.1, vp6.2, vp7, xvd, x264, .... i had fun ripping movies too, some time ago. ABN
«Fino a quando il colore della pelle sarà più importante del colore degli occhi ci sarà sempre la guerra.» Bob Marley |
Ok, now I have video. I had to disable the acceleration in directx configuration window. Still have a lot of delay and the picture almost freezes but I guess that's because my proccessor is too slow.
I think if you choose fddshow from the options then you can go in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\ffdshow, start "VFW codec configuration" and choose the codec. Then I guess VJbase will use ecnode the signal according to what are your settings in fddshow.Maybe we have to find the best setting in the ffdshow. That's all from me now. Later |
english versiongot an email from vjbase:
"....vjbase enlish version will publish next month and we wanna setup some server around the world..." The dude was asking me if I can help. Well, I think I cannot) If someone is interested let me know. greetings!!! |
i hope that this will change its fortunes.. i think they should work on it, solving some syncro problems, enforcing analisys of external streams (it often bypass them because it's unable to understand if the signal is online...) and maybe studying a way to create fast connections between webcams of different users.
this program could become one of the best solutions in p2pstreaming. but it needs of evident upgrades and finanacial supports for new servers.... ABN
«Fino a quando il colore della pelle sarà più importante del colore degli occhi ci sarà sempre la guerra.» Bob Marley |
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