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porkis 03-16-2006 05:09 PM

Oscurato anche ""
Copio testualmente dal suddetto sito:
I received a mail from a representative from the EPL and the LFP , a lawyer, who wanted me to stop. Some hours later was deleted, guess who's behind it. Mailed the company twice, but no reply so far. It get's me pissed, deleting a domain without any pre-mail send to me, rediculous.

I was angry for at least 30 min about it, as you can understand, but after that decider to make temporary , and waiting for the reply of joynic , if I don't get my domainname back, then say goodbye to them and a real domain will follow.

Ofcourse I need to know what's allowed, because registering a domain, without knowing if it's allowed to use links in any sort, would be stupid..

As I said : More info needed for me now, and more info towards all of you will follow later on

jwllives 03-16-2006 05:21 PM

da notare che li han fatti chiudere e han subito riaperto su un ne sbattono altamente...finchè non gli arrivano a casa possono farlo.

staff 03-16-2006 05:21 PM

ma sono email di diffide che mandano da secoli.. a tutti!

staff 03-16-2006 05:24 PM

la cosa assurda che a noi come coolstreaming tali email non sono MAI arrivate se non 2 anni fa... ma discutendo con l'interessato si arrivo' ad un "compromesso"... Se avete notato i nostri schedule erano sempre vuoti anche per questo motivo.

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