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Old 10-23-2005, 11:49 AM
ElDivino85 ElDivino85 is offline
Junior Member

Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 1
ElDivino85 is on a distinguished road

Problemi con PPlive e Coolstreaming

Salve a tutti, cerco un aiuto per quanto riguarda PPlive e Coolstreaming.
Per quanto riguarda PPlive quando seleziono un canale dalla lista prima di caricare wmplayer mi da un errore e dice di vedere il file crash.log (sotto vi copio il contenuto)... mi hanno detto che potrebbe essere un problema di incompatibilità con un altro programma (pensavo ZoneAlarm ma anche se lo disattivo mi da lo stesso problema. Ho aperto il task manager quando ho lanciato PPlive e nella tabella dei processi ho visto che il file vsmon.exe è molto attivo!!!
Altro problema...quando lancio Coolstreaming non carica alcuna lista di canali...qual'è il motivo? Nelle opzioni ho notato che la porta di default è 0, non so se va bene.

Ecco il file crash.log

==Begin: 2005-10-16 14:27:36 318
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0480FF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0480FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0480FFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0480FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-18 20:51:26 936
Crashed at 0x033BCA6C, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x033BCA6C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0796FFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0796FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

Crashed at 0x20B0B5E4, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E4, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x069FFEF8, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x069FFEB4, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x1001CD77, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x1001CD77, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x04562420, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x069FFEB4, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x1002AC70, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x1002AC70, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x1004C4D0, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x069FFEB4, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x1002A110, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x1002A110, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x1001CD90, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x069FFEB4, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x8B575608, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x8B575608, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x245C8B53, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x069FFEB4, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-20 20:38:56 622
Crashed at 0x100258A5, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x100258A5, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x00000C6C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x03EEFDA8, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

Crashed at 0x1001BFB7, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x1001BFB7, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0011201E, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x037EFEA4, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-20 20:52:34 378
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0483FF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0483FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0483FFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0483FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 9:22:54 670
Crashed at 0x03274B8A, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x03274B8A, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x046DFFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x046DFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 9:56:19 667
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0464FF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0464FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0464FFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0464FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 9:58:3 526
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0455FF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0455FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0455FFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0455FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 10:16:47 102
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0284FF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0284FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0284FFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0284FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 10:17:40 338
Crashed at 0x00000724, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000724, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0241FF20, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0241FF24, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x0210ACB0, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x0210ACB0, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0241FFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0241FF24, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 10:18:32 133
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x036AFF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x036AFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x036AFFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x036AFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 11:5:35 227
Crashed at 0x02C25644, ExceptionCode=0xc000001d
AddrPC Address=0x02C25644, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x035AFFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x035AFF20, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 11:7:53 256
Crashed at 0x031868D3, ExceptionCode=0xc0000096
AddrPC Address=0x031868D3, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x03D9FDFC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

Crashed at 0x06306A58, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x06306A58, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x023EFF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x023EFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x023EFFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x023EFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-22 11:15:16 463
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x037BFF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x037BFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x037BFFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x037BFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-23 11:42:39 712
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0387FF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0387FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x0387FFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x0387FF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

==Begin: 2005-10-23 11:43:15 133
Crashed at 0x00000000, ExceptionCode=0xc0000005
AddrPC Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x036AFF3C, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x036AFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrPC Address=0x20B0B5E6, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrFrame Address=0x036AFFEC, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrStack Address=0x036AFF40, Segment=0, Mode=3
AddrReturn Address=0x00000000, Segment=0, Mode=3

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